Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our "adopted" son Alex Okano

We have had the opportunity to meet some really great people here at Craig. The Okano Family are some of them. We have had UFC (Ultimate Family challenge = Asian Invasion Vs. Pack Attack) over the holidays, and many fun filled activities with them. Alex has been a great friend to Josh, made us laugh a lot while on bed rest, and made the time go by faster. Our entire family loves him and we are missing him like crazy! Alex went home to Los Angeles last week but we adopted him into our family so as a farewell for now gift he gave our family, and hisself , "Team Pack" t-shirts. Alex and his family touched our lives and we are thankful for them and look forward to continuing our friendship.

Alex "Pack"

Josh teaching Alex about the Word of Wisdom!

Alex thought all of our "Mormon" Friends would get a kick out of this Corona picture. This ones for you Nick!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you haven't heard the one about
how we're supposed to avoid the appearance of evil, huh? Love, Slades